This is a caterpillar. I got a pretty good picture, didn't I? It was eating the cabbage I planted so I had to take it off. I have been reading to get this information. Caterpillars eat leaves, but if you need to take it off, let it crawl up to your hand or something else, because then you could hurt it or rip it's legs off. Yellow jackets, birds, ladybird beetles, and even some people eat caterpillars. But don't find your own caterpillar and eat it, only at some places people eat them. Here is the lifecycle of caterpillars. First a caterpillar is an egg, and it hatches. Then it eats the leaf it was born on. It eventually turns into a chrysalis, and in it it forms into a butterfly. When it crawls out, it's wings are folded and soft but eventually the wings are ready to fly, and it pumps blood into them and tries to fly. They learn usually before three or four hours. If you would like to take care of a caterpillar, go to wiki how and look up how to take care of ...